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James Bond News - Page 7

Roger Moore's Autobiography Released in Paperback Today

Roger Moore's Autobiography

Roger Moore's Autobiography, which was originally released in hardcover in last September, is now out in paperback. My Word is My Bond is a Sunday Times Bestseller, and has received extremely positive reviews all around the board. You can pick it up half price on, but it won't be released in some countries until May 7th.

Don't forget that Roger Moore is currently reading his autobiography on Radio 2, as we mentioned last month. It started last friday, but it's ongoing for six weeks, and can also be caught online at Radio 2.

One of the most recognizable big-screen stars of the past half-century, Sir Roger Moore played the role of James Bond longer than any other actor. Beginning with the classic Live and Let Die, running through Moonraker and A View to a Kill, Moore brought his finely honed wit and wry charm to one of Hollywood's most beloved and long-lasting characters.

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Sir Roger Moore the Happy Hypocondriac

Roger Moore

I came across a rather bizarre but nevertheless interesting article today on Roger Moore, all about the many health problems he has gone through in the past. The article was published in the daily mail a few weeks ago, but can be found online at Roger Moore's Official Site.

The article obviously has a somewhat sad tone, but with all the quotes littered throughout, Roger Moore's great sense of humour lifts it up. An interesting read, and definitely quite different from the usual.

However, the action hero and death defying-007 could not be more at odds with Sir Roger who, unlike most men, is refreshingly candid about his health - or lack of it - and even thanks some 18 doctors - 'just half of the number who have kept me going' - in his autobiography. 'I was going to call it Out Of The Bedpan,' he joshes.

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The Girl Machine James Bond Comic Collection Delayed

The Girl Machine James Bond Comic Collection

The Girl Machine comic book collection that we announced a few months ago, has now been delayed until July 21st, 2009, a month past it's originally planned release date. We're not sure why it's delayed yet, but I suspect it may be for quality reasons, since it hasn't been published since it's original syndication, it can be hard to track down good quality archives to scan.

The stories for the comics were written by Jim Lawrence, who has been on the team for over 30 years. He started doing them in 1966 when he replaced several other authors, working from Ian Fleming originals. If you were to count all the separate stories he has written, you'd find that it is more than any other James Bond author in any field.

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Olga Kurylenko is the 38th Sexiest Women Alive

Olga Kurylenko And Gemma Arterton

We reported earlier this month that Olga Kurylenko and Gemma Arterton had been nominated as part of FHM Magazine's Top 100 Sexiest Women poll. We also said that we expected at least one win, and we came through with it.

We're pleased to announce that Olga Kurylenko made the list, coming in at #22, which is quite a jump from her previous position of #38 in last years polls. The results were tallied up from over 10 million votes from the public, which is often a more accurate method when compared to a small selection of judges.

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James Bond to be Part of The Real Story TV Show

The Real Story

An upcoming TV series The Real Story will be examining the true history and background of famous adventure tales, including The Untouchables, The Amityville Horror, Escape From Alcatraz, Indiana Jones and of course, James Bond.

It is scheduled to air this August, but we won't see the James Bond part of the series until July. The press release follows:

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MI5 Looking for a Real Life Q

Desmond Llewelyn

Britain's domestic spy agency MI5 is hunting for its very own Q, a gadget master for their own use. MI6's sister organization, which carries out surveillance on terror suspects inside Britain and gives security advice to the government, is searching for someone to lead its scientific work. Projects could include everything from developing counterterrorism technology to tackling a biological or chemical attack.

"Looking for a chief scientific adviser to lead and coordinate the scientific work of the security service so that the service continues to be supported by excellent science and technology advice," MI5's Web site ad reads.

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Michael Wilson Discusses his Favourite Bonds

Michael Wilson

Michael Wilson had an interview with the Yorkshire Post, discussing, among other things, his favourite Bond films through each generation.

Wilson commented on Bonds enduring appeal: "There are a lot of other characters like Tarzan, Superman and Batman who have been reinvented over the years, but in terms of a single production entity then yes I guess James Bond is unique. But you know there has never been a moment when we've sat back and thought that's it, this will run and run. I don't even believe that now."

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Downloadable Content for Quantum of Solace Game

Quantum of Solace Game

Released late last year to less than perfect reviews, Activision's Quantum of Solace will soon be joined by it's first multiplayer downloadable content pack for the PS3. The original single player was received somewhat poorly by critics, while the multiplayer was praised, so the DLC extends the good side of the game rather than trying to rescue the poor part.

The Camille Map Pack includes four new multiplayer maps inspired by the most recent Bond Films, Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. The new maps include:

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Cover Art Released for The Blofeld Trilogy

The Blofeld Trilogy

The cover art and blurb has been released for the new 720 page compilation of The Blofeld Trilogy, that we mentioned earlier. The collection will have a new introduction by journalist and author, Nick Lezard, although the length is currently unknown.

The collection will be published on 1st October by Penguin, who have also just re-released their entire modern classic James Bond series. Given the lack of extra material here, it is probably better to just buy the books separately, which is also cheaper. The official blurb follows.

Ernst Stavro Blofeld is James Bond's arch-nemesis: a deranged criminal mastermind with ambitions to bring the world to its knees in his pursuit of power. This collection brings together three novels featuring the ultimate Bond villain...

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Judi Dench to be included in the Actors Hall of Fame

Judi Dench

Judi Dench has been chosen as one of this years fifteen inductees to the Actors Hall of Fame, joining others like Humphrey Bogart, Fred Astaire, Charles Chaplin and many others that have been honored in the past.

The other upcoming inductees includes Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall, Kirk Douglas, Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman, Olivia de Havilland, Hal Holbrook, Anthony Hopkins, James Earl Jones, Angela Lansbury, William H. Macy and Maggie Smith.

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