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GoldenEye Voted #1 Film Based Video Game

Posted May 17th, 2009

Goldeneye for the N64

The Independent recently ran an article on the best 10 video game adaptions of films. No surprise at all that Goldeneye got the #1 position, beating out Indiana Jones, Die Hard and even Star Wars.

Over a decade since it's release, Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64 is still one of the best shooters ever made, and definitely the best adaption of a film ever made. Developer Rare was the gaming studio in the 1990's, and Goldeneye was one of their best productions, with the possible exception of Donkey Kong Country.

This is what The Independant had to say on Goldeneye:

This is easily the best James Bond simulation ever produced and a true landmark title. GoldenEye is not only one of the finest first-person-shooters to emerge on to home consoles, but also an amazing multiplayer experience. Never before had the control scheme for a game such as this worked so well on a home console. While it is testament to the developers' talents that, in a time before multiplayer patches and downloadable content, the multiplayer aspect of the game stayed fresh for so long. Now if only Nintendo could negotiate an agreement with Microsoft to see its release on to the Wii's Virtual Console catalogue.

The top 10 list follows:

  1. GoldenEye 007 (Nintendo 64)
  2. The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena (PS3/Xbox 360)
  3. Lego Indiana Jones (All formats)
  4. Blade Runner (PC)
  5. Die Hard Trilogy (PSOne)
  6. Star Wars: Tie Fighter (PC)
  7. Spiderman 2 (PS2/Xbox)
  8. Alien Versus Predator (PC)
  9. The Warriors (PSP/PS2/Xbox)
  10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (PS3/Xbox 360)


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